Who We Are
Our Philosophy & Ethos

Our school strives to surpass by encouraging our students to cultivate habits of life-long learners who aspire to achieve both academic and moral excellence. In every endeavour the school undertakes, there is a distinct effort made to cultivate moral courage and strength in our students along with a keen scientific spirit and rational bent of mind that reflects progressive thinking and the spirit of inquiry and concept based learning that is central to our commitment to constructivist pedagogy. A distinctive feature of the DRSIS ethos is our learning community’s dedication to the pursuit of learning that is:
- Significant and broad
- Relevant and balanced
- Challenging and conceptual
- Engaging and connected
This commitment acts as a driving force that shapes all our endeavours and initiatives. As a world school in the true sense of the word, the attributes of the IB Learner Profile, the Cambridge Learner Profile, as well as the C.B.S.E. and N.C.E.R.T.’s emphases on universal human values all seamlessly blend together to shape the school’s unique ethos. This ethos features a strong focus on developing students who are not only open to diversity of thought and culture, but global citizens with Universal Human Values who appreciate and actively seek out the same.
Students get opportunities to exercise and demonstrate these attributes through not just their everyday lives but also a variety of platforms and engagements that include, but are not limited to, special assemblies, activities relating to the theme of the month, innovative programmes and outreach activities that span across all domains of the school’s functioning. From the community building activities that make PYP Action, the CAS Programme unique, the outreach activities of the Interact Club and the DRSIS Community and Humane Club, the school’s ethos is demonstrably visible in action everywhere. The school is moving towards giving “choice, voice and ownership to its student community from school life and student services to teaching and learning.
The school curriculum, policies and resources are regularly reviewed and developed as per the review cycle, professional development opportunities aim towards developing a professional learning community and student services are fine tuned to meet the socio-emotional needs of the student community.
DRSIS is a day cum residential school which further adds the dimensions of cultural diversity and deepens the understanding of holistic development. It is our endeavour that through a residential setup we are able to fruitfully engage in national and international student exchange programmes.
Furthermore, the school believes in the dictum “right college placement for right students”. We have a college guidance and placement cell which also uses the expertise of outside college guidance professionals so that our student placement is about finding “their calling in life”. If passion leads to profession then there will be no single day of work!
The outcomes of the IB / Cambridge / CBSE programme evaluation process is used as a vehicle to drive and fine tune regularly the school mission driven strategy from the perspective of purpose, environment, culture and learning. It is hoped that the school strategy develops engaged and reflective students, teachers, parents, school leadership, school management and other stakeholders of its dynamic and evolving diverse learning community.